Sage Parashara, in his Brihat Parashara Hora Sastra introduced 32 Dasa systems out of which the Kala Chakra Dasa is considered to be the greatest while the Vimsottari Dasa is used most commonly in modern times. It is not always that many people do some research or even read various other Dasa systems described Parashara. However, it doesn’t mean they are not worth enough but with certain limitations.
In this post, I will talk about Chakra Dasa which is one of the most organic Dasas out of the 32 Dasas which is pretty much in order with the wheel of the zodiac.
Rules for using Chakra Dasa
If the birth is by night, the Dasa will begin from the sign of the Ascendant.
If the birth is by day, the Dasa will begin with the sign in which the ruler of the Ascendant is placed. (Simply profect the dispositor of the Lord of the Ascendant)
If the birth occurs in the period of twilight (Sandhya), the Dasa will begin from the 2nd house.
Chakra Dasa reminds me of Fardãrs of the Persians, Decennials and Profections of the Greeks. Another thing that reminds of the Greek and the Persian system is the differentiation of the day and the night births. In Fardãrs, the planetary rulership depends upon the sect of the nativity and the rulership begins with either of the luminaries (The Sun for the day births and the Moon for the night births). In Decennials, the chronocrator (timelord) is arrived at based upon the condition of the luminaries of the nativities with respect to the sect of the nativity and the rest of the rulers will be those that follow the ruling luminary (pre-dominator) in the zodiacal order.
In Chakra Dasa, the sign of the Ascendant replaces the Moon while the sign of the Lord of the Ascendant replaces the Sun. The third rule is unique. Sandhya is the time when the Sun is setting or moving below the horizon.

According to Parashara, we have to consider the 2nd house for the beginning of the rulership periods if the native is born somewhere during this time. Although it is mysterious why Parashara points out the 2nd house, I think is probably because of the difficulty in finding out the exact position of the Sun (above or below the horizon) while calculating because of the limitations and constraints in the accuracy of astronomical calculations during the ancient times. I am not sure if this still needs to be followed today, but I may be totally wrong here and could easily miss something. As of now, this is my speculation. One factor that supports the 2nd house is that the 2nd house is immediately next in the line to rise in the eastern horizon and hence, it comes next to the Ascendant.
Each Dasa will rule 10 years over the native’s life but there is no information about the sub time lord but I think it would be interesting to assume equally distributing sub time lords for each major time lord. In this case, each planet will rule 9 months and 29days.
River Phoenix's Chakra Dasa

If we look at the nativity of River Phoenix, we see that the ruler of the rising sign, Venus, is debilitated in the 12th house. Mercury is placed with Venus, but still the 12th house is not a good placement for the ruler of the rising sign. 8th house of Taurus is hosting the Moon (exaltation); there is reception between Venus and the Moon, but this probably is the reason the native lived as long as he lived. His fame in entertainment and arts industry is also quite descriptive.
The nativity is by day and hence; we distribute the time lord periods from Mercury, which is the dispositor of Venus (The ruler of the Ascendant). Foe the first ten years, Mercury is the time lord followed Venus (Libra) and then Mars (Scorpio). Hence, while River Phoenix died, he was living through the period ruled by Mars and the sub-ruler would be Saturn.
Mars is placed in the 10th house Cancer, which is its debilitation. Distributing planet, Saturn is placed in the 7th house of Aries, which is its debilitation. Saturn is the natural significator of longevity, and the 7th house is the house of death as per most forms of traditional astrology. Mars is the dispositor of Saturn and Mars is also fallen in Cancer. Saturn is placed its own bounds of Aries which further solidifies the event. Mars and Saturn are in a tight square in the nativity.
In revolutions, Virgo was rising, which is the 12th house of the nativity. This indicates a symbolic end to something and Mars, the time lord, is placed in the 1st house of Virgo in the revolutions. Saturn is placed in Aquarius and is squared by the Nodes in the revolutions, which is not really a good sign. Saturn’s position in the 7th house is real while its domicile position in Aquarius in the revolutions is a confirmation of the event strongly.
© Aswin Subramanyan 2020