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The Russia-Ukraine Conflict

Updated: Jul 2, 2022

The world is closely following the conflict between Russia and Ukraine which involves some of the other nations like the USA, Germany, Poland, France, Belarus, UK that are trying to deal with this really tense situation. I have used Chakra Dasa periods for the JU-SA conjunction charts cast to different locations to understand the situation astrologically.

I am skeptical about using natal charts for countries and hence, I thought using a chart with an astrological significance (like Jupiter-Saturn [JU-SA] conjunction) would make more sense.

Chakra Dasa in JU-SA Conjunction Chart

Jupiter conjuncts Saturn once in every 20 years. Chakra Dasa periods are equally divided among the 12 signs. When we calculate the Dasa periods for 20 years, each sign will rule for 1 year, 7 months and 27 days. We can calculate the Bhuktis or Antar Dasas in every Chakra Dasa period. Each sign will get to participate as a sub-ruler (Bhukti/Antar Dasa) for 50 days.

For example, if the Chakra Dasa period begins with Aries, it will last for 1 year, 7 months and 27 days. In this each sign of the zodiac will participate as the sub-ruler or the distributor. The participation period will be for 50 days. Mars is the major ruler (Dasa lord) during this period. Hence, in the major period that begins with Aries, participation also begins with Aries followed by Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. Each sign will be activated for 50 days. The ruler of whichever sign is activated will be the Bhukti/Antar Dasa/participator. So, the Aries major period will be over when Pisces participation is over. Then, Taurus major period will begin and will rule for 1 year, 7 months and 27 days followed by every other sign until the cycle is completed in 20 years before the next Jupiter-Saturn conjunction.Jupiter conjuncts Saturn once in every 20 years.

Chakra Dasa periods are equally divided among the 12 signs. When we calculate the Dasa periods for 20 years, each sign will rule for 1 year, 7 months and 27 days. We can calculate the Bhuktis or Antar Dasas in every Chakra Dasa period. Each sign will get to participate as a sub-ruler (Bhukti/Antar Dasa) for 50 days.

For example, if the Chakra Dasa period begins with Aries, it will last for 1 year, 7 months and 27 days. In this each sign of the zodiac will participate as the sub-ruler or the distributor. The participation period will be for 50 days. Mars is the major ruler (Dasa lord) during this period. Hence, in the major period that begins with Aries, participation also begins with Aries followed by Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. Each sign will be activated for 50 days. The ruler of whichever sign is activated will be the Bhukti/Antar Dasa/participator. So, the Aries major period will be over when Pisces participation is over. Then, Taurus major period will begin and will rule for 1 year, 7 months and 27 days followed by every other sign until the cycle is completed in 20 years before the next Jupiter-Saturn conjunction.

To understand the current situation better, it will be necessary to look at some historical references of war and astrology in relation to the JU-SA conjunction.

Historical References of JU-SA Conjunction and Wars

JU-SA Conjunction - 1861 & the Franco-Prussian War - 1871

Major Period - Capricorn (Saturn)

Minor Period - Scorpio (Mars)

Lasting from 19 July 1870 to 28 January 1871, the conflict was caused primarily by France's determination to restore its dominant position in continental Europe, which it had lost following Prussia's crushing victory over Austria in 1866. . (wikipedia)

Saturn is placed in the 9th house of Leo in the bounds of Mars. Mars in the 10th house is quite descriptive of the theme of the period which is power struggle. France here is just worried about the power. Mars is placed in the 10th house of Virgo squaring the Nodes. Dispositor Mercury, placed in the 12th house of Scorpio is in the Martian bounds is also in conjunction with Venus. There is a mutual exchange here but it involves 7/10 ruler and 5/12 ruler. 7th ruler is the maraka and the 12th ruler indicates loss and also war. With the 12th house placed in the 10th house and 10th ruler placed in the 12th house, war is not surprising.

Jupiter-Saturn conjunction is in Leo with the Sun debilitated in Libra. Because of the Sun's fallen condition, Jupiter and Saturn become potentially weak or malefic and moreover, Saturn is in detriment. It is important to note that all planets on one side of the nodal axis except the Moon. Mars squares the Nodes which is a strong indicator of conflict or war.

In the war chart, Nodes have exchanged places and this time, it is more troublesome as both Saturn and Mars are in conjunction with Ketu and Rahu respectively when the war began. Nothing is more indicative than the Nodes in conjunction with Saturn and Mars. Needless to mention the Saturn-Mars opposition.

JU-SA Conjunction - 1901 & World War-I - 1914

The major thing we need to notice here is the planets placed in one side in between the Nodes except the Moon. Straightaway we can notice the death of diplomacy because of the Mercury-Ketu conjunction in Libra. Libra is the sign of liasoning and agreements and with Mercury and Ketu there, it is basically impossible to arrive at a conclusion. Rahu's placement in Aries with reception from Mars is also indicative of times of aggression and action.

Major Period - Gemini (Mercury)

Minor Period - Sagittarius (Jupiter)

Major time lord Mercury rules the 3rd and the 6th house and is placed in the 7th house. This is like enemy sitting in to spoil any future course of action and talks. This is further intensified because of Ketu. Jupiter rules the 9th house which deals with foreign diplomacy and the 12th house which is war. Jupiter is in conjunction with Mars and Saturn. Jupiter rules war in this chart and Mars is in the natural significator of war. Moreover, Mars is also the 8th ruler in the bounds of Jupiter in Saggitarius which shows war or war tensions.

In the above transit chart, we can notice that Mars is in conjunction with Ketu and opposes Rahu. The Moon is also placed there which indicates disaster to the people.

JU-SA Conjunction - 1921 & World War-II - 1939

The Moon says about the people and as a ruler of the rising sign, Cancer, the Moon in the 6th house indicates a troublesome period for the people in general. This stretch of two decades was one of the most challenging in the history of humanity with two world wars, Spanish flu and the Great economic depression. The Moon squares the Nodes, Saturn, Mercury and Jupiter. We are talking about the 7/8th ruler (death and conspiracy), 3/12th ruler (communication, hospitalization and war) and the 6/9th ruler (diseases, debt and enemies, foreign diplomacy).

Major Period - Taurus (Venus)

Minor Period - Capricorn (Saturn)

Activation of the 11th house, Taurus puts Venus as the ruler of the period but Venus is not well supported by the Moon. Participating ruler is Saturn which rules the 7th and the 8th houses is placed in the 3rd house in the nodal axis along with Jupiter (6/9) and Mercury (3/12). This is a conjunction of enemies, war and death.

For the World War-II, we have a recorded time at which Hitler ordered to begin the war which was at 4.45 AM of 1 September 1939. The Sun is extremely strong in Leo and Venus is placed along with the Sun in Leo. However, Mars is placed in Capricorn (its exaltation) but it also squares Saturn and the Nodes. Venus, the time lord in the 1st house is not bad but along with Sun, in Leo is not the best placement for Venus. Venus is the ruler of the 10th house and the position of Venus is very significant because it indicates any action that takes place.

Saturn is debilitated in Aries and is conjunction with Ketu. Interestingly, both Saturn and Ketu are placed in the bounds of Venus in Aries. Saturn, the ruler of the 6/7th houses in the 9th house with squaring reception from Mars in the Nodal axis makes it a very deadly placement. 9th house is the house of foreign diplomacy and its condition is very much worsened. The Moon, 12th ruler is placed in the 8th house with retrograde Jupiter which is the 8th lord. So, death and destruction is quite evident.

Astrological Analysis of the Current Situation

JU-SA Conjunction - Moscow

In the JU-SA conjunction in Moscow, Cancer was rising with the Moon in the 9th house in a whole sign conjunction with Mars. Jupiter, the dispositor of the Moon is debilitated in the 7th house of Capricorn and is in conjunction with Saturn. 7th house is the maraka house and the 7th ruler if the maraka ruler. This makes the Moon very vulnerable and impulsive.

The Nodes are in the 5/11 axis - Rahu in Taurus and Ketu in Scorpio. Venus is in conjunction with Ketu while the Sun is in the 6th house. The 2nd and the 11th rulers are not really well placed which indicates that there is no real care about economy (sanctions over Russia/Putin). because the 2nd & the 11th houses along with the condition of their rulers indicate the financial condition of the nation.

Mars is in the bound of Saturn almost in transition to the fire sign - Aries (Gandanta). Usually, Gandata is a tricky position and events like war or major accidents tend to happen during this time. MC is also in the Martian bound of Pisces.

Chakra Dasa Analysis of JU-SA Conjunction in Moscow

Cancer - Pisces Period until the end of March

The Moon is the time lord. The Moon rules the 1st house and is placed in the 9th house of Pisces. The Moon is in a whole sign conjunction with Mars which is the 5th and the 10th ruler but the dispositor of the Moon is Jupiter and Jupiter is debilitated Jupiter is also in conjunction with the maraka Lord Saturn (7th ruler). Moreover, Saturn aspects the Moon (sextile) and the aspect from the 7/8th lord is not so favourable. Because of this, the Moon's seemingly decent position is actually afflicted. However, because the Moon is placed in the 9th house, Russian President Vladimir Putin is open to talks but certainly doesn't want to compromise. Looking at this chart, it is evident that he won't compromise until he gets what he wants.

Participating time lord Jupiter, is placed in the 7th house of Capricorn. Jupiter is debilitated and is also in conjunction with Saturn. We have already discussed about Jupiter's conjunction with Saturn. Jupiter rules the 6th and the 9th house. There is no reception or reprive for the Sun and Mercury in the 6th house as Jupiter is fallen. As the 9th ruler, Jupiter which promotes foriegn diplomacy and practical solutions, is fallen and the situation is utter distress as it is also in conjunction with Saturn. Saturn is stronger in Capricorn and as the ruler of marka house (7th) and also the 8th house, we are in for a really trouble some ride. Mercury rules the opposite end, Virgo and Mercury is placed in the 6th house of enemies. We need to see the 3rd house and look at this 3/9 axis on the whole because communication is essential for diplomacy. Here, Mercury and Mars are in conflict (square) with no support from the 9th ruler, Jupiter.

Capricorn Ingress - Moscow

Besides the JU-SA conjunction, it is also important to look at the Sun’s ingress chart see if the theme is repeated. While Sun ingressed in Capricorn set to Moscow, Aries was rising with Mars in the 8th house of Scorpio with Ketu. This is a deadly combination given the fact that we are almost at the brink of war.

4th ruler, the Moon is exalted in the 2nd house of Taurus but it is in the nodal axis in conjunction with Rahu. During such times, Mars or Saturn in the nodal axis is very difficult and the combination is indicative of war. The major theme that we saw throughout this article is all the planets placed in one side of the Nodes. Even in the ingress chart, we see the same pattern prevailing. All this seem difficult for Russia because the Russian economy will greatly if they invade Ukraine and their economic condition is very descriptive in JU-SA chart and the Ingress chart.

JU-SA Conjunction & Transits of April 2022 - Moscow

Rahu moves into Aries and Ketu moves into Libra. Rahu's ingress Aries into the Martian territory indicates aggressiveness and rash events. On the other end of the axis, we have Ketu entering Libra. Libra is the sign of liasoning or diplomacy. Ketu basically sucks up everything and leaves the situation dry and hence, talks are destined to fail or maybe there is nothing to even talk.

Action in the 10th house - Rahu is in conjunction with Mercury and the Sun and opposes Ketu. The Sun in conjunction with Rahu is very powerful in terms of provoking the leader or the government to make rash or impulsive decisions.

JU-SA conjunction squares the transiting Nodes, Mercury and the Sun. This is yet another indication that there is a major shift in events which might potentially jolt the socio-political and economic setup of the countries involved and to an extent, the global economic condition itself.

One good thing is the transiting Jupiter entering the 9th house of Pisces but there is already a lot of difficult things and we need to only wait and see if there is any scope for diplomacy because Jupiter entering the 9th house Pisces. In the transits around mid April, Saturn tightly squares the Nodes and this is quite worrying too.

Cancer - Aries Period from April

The Moon and Mars are the time lords. We see that Mars is in square with Mercury and the Sun in 6th house. Mercury rules the 3rd house and the 12th house. 3rd house is the house of communication and initiative and the 12th house is the house of war, uncertainities and hopspitalization. Transiting Mercury with Rahu and the Sun in the 10th house squares the transiting Nodes. So, we see there is another difficult aspect with the Nodes. Mercury squares the 7th house of the JU-SA conjunction chart where Jupiter and Saturn are placed. It is hard to find any potential pacifying aspect in this entire setup.

Participating time lord Mars, rules the 5th house and the 10th house of the JU-SA conjunction chart. Mars is a functional benefic for Cancer rising charts and Mars is placed in the 9th house. However, in a mundane chart, Mars in the 9th house is not so easy because its nature is aggressive and although Pisces doesn't promote aggression, Mars certainly would not offer any scope of diplomatic solutions. Moreover, Mars is ruled by Jupiter and Jupiter is fallen in Capricorn. This makes Mars more unpredictable and wild especially from Gandanta state. Mars also is placed in the 12th house from the 10th house and this indicates some kind of an action that is very difficult, rash and uncalled for.

The Sun is placed in the 6th house with the 3/12 lord Mercury and this combination squares Mars and the Moon in the 9th house. With the involvement of the 6/12 axis, war is certainly a threat and it cannot be ruled out. As it is, the Russian troops are already across the Russo-Ukrainian border.

The Sun and the Moon whole sign square. In a way, both the luminaries, involved with Saturn and Mars, indicates war threats and discomfort to the general well-being of the people of the country.

Saturn-Mars Conjunction - Moscow

I'd like to remind you that the rising sign was Cancer and the 7th house was Capricorn in the JU-SA chart in Moscow. While Saturn and Mars were conjunct in Moscow, Capricorn rising with Saturn and Mars in Capricorn in the 1st house. At this point, it is quite difficult to make out what it is but it kind of is indicating a complete change in the scenario. Whether it will be the end of war? However, the ascensdant tightly conjunct Saturn and Mars, Sub time-lord period Mercury debilitated in Pisces in the 3rd house along with the Sun, Debilitated Mercury in the 3rd house of Pisces with the 8th ruler (the Sun), two naturally benefic planets Jupiter and Venus squaring the Nodes and, yet again, except the Moon, all the other planets in one side of the Nodal axis don't indicate the descalation of the problem which is very unfortunate.

JU-SA Conjunction - Berlin

The position of Mercruy, the ruler of the AC (Gemini) in the 7th house with the Sun is quite indicative of Germany's position now. Germany is more interested in finding a diplomatic solution because of its economic dependency on Russia. Biden loosely said that he would stop Nord Stream 2 during the German's chancellor Olaf Scholz's visit to Washington, and when Olaf Scholz was asked if he would actually do it, he chose to cover the question in a very diplomatic and polished manner. It clearly meant that Scholz had no intention or atleast he showed his hesitation of ending Nord Stream 2 pipeline. Moreover, it was not for Biden to make a statement on it as the US is not a direct party to it. But, no one really knows what happened behind the scenes.

The 7th house can be associated with the other parties involved. Given the fact that Jupiter (7th ruler) is fallen in the 8th house, we can understand the German position in this conflict. Germany refused to send weapons to Ukraine while it did not get into any direct conflict with Russia. Although it appears like Germany is backing the US, Germany continues to be an unreliable ally according to the west as far as Russia-Ukraine conflict is concerned. Even when it comes to ultimate escalation, it appears like Germany might not be interested to participate in open war. Venus is placed in the 6th house in conjunction with Ketu. Venus with Ketu is an indication of reluctance towards war and Mercury's position with the Sun in the 8th house indicates its reluctance because of economic reasons.

JU-SA Conjunction - Washington D.C

Since America has always been at war as far as we can remember, it is quite a challenge to see this Washington's JU-SA conjunction chart. Aquarius was rising when Jupiter and Saturn were conjunct with the ruler of the AC, Saturn placed in the 12th house of war. With the 2nd (income & finance) and the 11th ruler (gains, luxury & material benefits) Jupiter debilitated in the 12th house, whether or not at war, American economy will get derailed. It is not easy to judge with common sense because the US has $30 Trillion of global debt. With Ketu in the 10th house and Rahu in the 4th house, we can easily see domestic distress within the country during the period 20 years and war seems to be a prominent theme because of Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in the 12th house. American identity of super-power will become questionable.

Capricorn - Libra Period Late March to Mid-May

With the activation of the 12th house Capricorn, Saturn is the major ruler with Venus (Libra) being the pariticipating ruler. Saturn rules the 1st house and the 12th house. 12th house indicates war and hospitalization while the 1st house is the general status and condition of the nation during the period. Saturn in the 12th house indicates tension and uncertainty surrounding the nation. Venus is placed in the 10th house with Ketu in its detriment, Scorpio. Libra is the 9th house of the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction chart and the 9th house indicates foreign diplomacy while the 10th house is action. It is still unclear as to whether the US wants diplomacy to win but they have kept warning the Ukraine saying that the Russian attack is coming soon. Although they have spoken with the major parties involved in this tension, it seems like they have only hit the dead-end with every meeting. So far, we have no evidence that Venus has done well as adiplomatic strategist and hence this Venus's period will be a tension filled period as far as this issue goes while the US deals with a lot of other internal challenges during this period.

JU-SA Conjunction - Kiev, Ukraine

Since there is no time zone difference between Russia and Ukraine, there is not a lot of difference in the charts between the JU-SA conjunction in Kiev and Moscow. Once notable major difference is, we ee the MC is in Jupiter's bound of Aries in Kiev while the MC is in Martian bound of Pisces in Moscow. In Kiev, the MC tightly squartes the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in the 7th house (maraka house) but is in aversion to the Nodes.

Unfortantely, it appears as if there is going to be a war which majorly involves Russia and Ukraine. We have to pin our hopes on the traniting Jupiter but that is a bit too late from now. We should really hope there is no war.

Let Peace be!

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